Beyond Billboards, Beyond Boundaries with Prism Adverto your outdoor advertising transcends traditional limits, redefining the way your brand communicates.

Prism Adverto a Leading Outdoor Advertising Company in South India

There's a certain joy in witnessing a perfectly executed outdoor advertisment for every brands. Look around, and you'll see that outdoor advertising is more popular than ever.Our formula for successful advertising campaigns and show-stopping displays is finely honed, reflecting the precision of a scientific approach.


We've been in the game since the birth of modern advertising era

We know how to make ads that grab attention and, most importantly, make an impact on sales. Whether it's the flashy ads everyone sees or the smaller, more targeted ones, we've got the whole outdoor advertising game down pat.

  • Project after Project
  • Year after Year
  • Result after Result

Industries we serve







Outdoor advertising enhances brand visibility by creating a constant visual presence in high-traffic areas. It reinforces brand identity and increases recognition among the target audience.

Yes, outdoor advertising is highly effective in increasing brand awareness. Strategic placement in high-traffic areas ensures repeated exposure, contributing significantly to heightened brand awareness over time.

The most common forms of outdoor advertising include Billboards/Hoardings,Transit Advertising, Point of Sale Advertising, Wall Advertising, Street Furniture Advertising,Digital Outdoor Advertising etc,.

Outdoor advertising has several distinct features that make it a powerful and versatile marketing medium like Visibility, Reach, Location-Specific Targeting, 24/7 Exposure, Brand Building, Creativity and Impact, Mobile and Temporary.

The cost-effectiveness of outdoor advertising varies based on several factors. Here's what you need to consider: Type of Outdoor Media, Location, Duration of the Campaign, and Market Demand.